What is the role of Bitcoin and similar cryptocurrencies in our future? And (by the way) what is Bitcoin? Is Bitcoin technology simply an unstable financial vehicle intended for clandestine or illicit commerce, or does it have broader economic application?
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Dark Net
The Hidden Internet
Most of us use the internet daily without realizing we are able to access only a very small part of online information and websites.
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Human Trafficking
Today’s Slavery
Human Trafficking is the third largest criminal endeavor in the world. Despite more than 30 million people losing their identities and freedom, law enforcement has been unable to halt this insidious disease. Those who are trafficked are forced into prostitution, unpaid labor and villainous behavior.
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Intelligent Robots: Friend or Foe?
Will We Be Outsmarted?
This week’s discussion concerns the economic, social, ethical, and public safety challenges related to our ever-increasing advances in robotics and artificial intelligence. Autonomous and non-autonomous robots have the potential to bring about a lot of good for society (caring for the sick and elderly, enabling the disabled, increasing our lifespans and allowing a surgeon to perform surgery from a distance to name just a few) but many of us fear that without adequate control, these machines can pose a threat not just to our livelihoods but to our species. Come see some of the latest advances in robotic technology and...
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Awakening the Artist Within Us
Presenter: Karen
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Future of Health
Life Without Diseases
Medicine is rapidly becoming information technology, bringing it from science fiction to science fact. Developments like robotic surgery, computer diagnosing, lab-grown replacement organs, and death being optional are well underway. And as genetics, robotics, nanotechnology, and artificial intelligence come together, the results may be here much sooner than we think and be more dramatic than we can even fathom.
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