The Blockchain technology will fundamentally transform the institutions our societies are built upon. Because the Blockchain technology powers the digital currency Bitcoin, it will not only affect how business is being made, but also our legal systems. Ultimately, the effect of the Blockchain technology will be much more far reaching. It will also transform governance, healthcare, education, and various other pillars of our societies.
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Below The Micro-scale World
In less than a decade, nanotechnology has become one of the most prolific and promising technologies of our times.
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Learning From Nature
Evolution has equipped plants and animals with designs and features which despite being utterly simple, have been impossible to copy by man. Until now.
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Surveillance Society
An Eye in the Sky
Discussion of the book “Dragnet Nation” by Julia Angwin.
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Digital Medicine
Your Doctor in Your Pocket
How would you like…
a robot doing major surgery on you?
a computer diagnosing you via a smart phone?
replacement organs grown in a lab or bones made by 3D-printing?
designer babies?
death being optional?
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Drones: Pros & Cons
From Toys to Weapons
The Reaper and the Predator became household names when drones became the latest military technology. They were originally called Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and come as remotely controlled or entirely autonomous flying vehicles. This opened new ethical aspects of warfare.
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