Few subjects are more laden with jokes and subjective opinions than the “difference between men and women.” For many years, both scientists and laymen agreed that the differences between the denizens of Mars and Venus in terms of abilities, habits, and preferences were cultural and, therefore, not related to inherent genetic or neurological factors.
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Living on Mars (2)
What a Planet Needs to Sustain Life
This is part 2 of a 2-part series dealing with living on Mars.
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Living on Mars (1)
What a Planet Needs to Sustain Life
This is part 1 of a 2-part series dealing with living on Mars.
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Can We Slow the Aging Process?
The fountain of youth is a dream that has inspired poets, has brought explorers to our coasts and has challenged science for generations. Why do we get older? Can we do anything about it? Is there a magic “cure” for aging, or is life just “a terminal disease?”
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The Day After Tomorrow
What Lies Beyond the Horizon
The Day After Tomorrow – Based on several requests, we rerun this riveting, breathtaking and very humorous video tour-de-force about the rapidly approaching future. The discussions that will follow will surely be lively.
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Synthetic Biology
Reinventing Nature and Ourselves
Terms like Cell Cultivation, Stem Cells, and CRISPR-Cas9 appear more and more often in the media, but one field is so new that it is still under the radar: Synthetic biology – the science of creating “life forms” from scratch in the laboratory, including life forms that have never existed before. We will take a look at how far scientists have come and what it holds for the future… and what we might love or hate about it.
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